Welcome to my page!
Here you will find a hodgepodge of ideas, analysis, detours/roadblocks, and successes along the way..
I strive to maintain data transparency and reproducibility in my scientific endeavors - this page is platformed in GitHub, providing a more detailed view in real-time documents complimentary to linked data and analytical repositories on my GithHub: samgurr
Listed below are few expected materials in my notebook
- Logged data, sample processing, and SOPs
- extractions / library prep / diagnostics
- tissue homogenate / hemolymph assessments (i.e. spec and flow cy)
- suite of physiological metrics - respirometry, biodeposition, clearance rate, etc.
- Data visualization
a picture says 1..a well-designed figure provides 1000 takeaways messages – Taking care to build eye-catching graphics from experimental design to data interpretation often catalyzes my motivation to write. I enjoy summarizing the complexities of my research down to an aesthetically pleasing and informative product!
- Computational work
- Full HPC pipelines for transcriptomics and genomics projects:
- General bash carpentry: grep, sed, etc.
- QC processing: fastp, fastQC, multiQC
- Mapping tools: Bowtie2, Stringtie, HISAT
- SNP calling: ANGSD
- and more.. (i.e. primer design, python, augustus, etc.)
- R tips, tricks, and RShiny
- ..a work in progress, bioinformatics takes a large chunk of my time and the many rabbit holes and roadblocks are not well documented here.. yet!
Theme credit: This notebook is built with Jekyll & forked from Michael Rose https://github.com/mmistakes and improved with edited material from a variety of online lab notebook layouts. Thanks to all. You can find the source code for this theme at: mmistakes /jekyll-theme-basically-basic