LISRC Figure

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Chemistry Figure

Figure caption: Bay scallops Argopecten irradians were exposed for two generations under low and moderately-elevated pCO2 conditions. Exposures began 4 hours post-fertilization until adulthood, scallops were spawned and their larvae were reared in their respective condition. A cohort of high-pCO2 was started with the second generation of low-pCO2 scallops after metamorphosis

Table caption. Mean (±SE) seawater chemistry taken monthly/bimonthly throughout the embryo-to-adult stage of two scallop generations (‘F1 rearing’ and ‘F2 rearing’). Detailed are discrete probe measurements (pH, salinity, and temperature), instrumental analysis of seawater samples (pH measured and total alkalinity), and CO2SYS outputs for carbonate chemistry (μatm pCO2, calcite and aragonite saturation states).

Chemistry Table