Experiment Prep Point Whitney


The following is a summary of a trip to Jamestown Point Whitney Shellfish Hatchery in Brinnon, Washingston frmo 3/6/20 - 3/13/20.

About the trip..

Prepare heathstack for 8-month rearing trial starting from 30-day-old pediveliger (setter) stage well in to juvenile development.

  • Experiment will contain three main Ωaragonite.sat treatments controled in triplicate

    (1) ambient p_CO2 = _Ωaragonite.sat > 1; pHt.s. 7.8-7.9;

    (2) moderate elevated p_CO2 = _Ωaragonite.sat 0.4; pHt.s. 7.4;

    (3) severe elevated p_CO2 = _Ωaragonite.sat 0.1-0.2; pHt.s. 7.1;

  • Continuous live algae feed and isolated seawater flow per replicate tank/tray

Heathstack up and running

  • nine trays total each fed by a conical sump for three total _p_CO2 treatments



Algae plan

  • the broodstock are fed from a continuous flow of live low density culture from the greenhouse
  • a flow switch in the feed conical prevents pumps from burning
  • our plan discussed with Mat that 400 - 600 L will be possible per day to add to this conical. This equates a rate of 1/2 GPH for each heathtray

Algae Tank

Algae Line

Reciprocal treatment transition

  • Experiment will contain two periods (months 2 and 4) when animals will be divided and allocated to different treatments to address the effects of stress priming on subsequent encounters
  • review “2020-03-12_8_month_OA_Experiment_Plan” for further details
  • replication will require custom tanks with trays acting as a water. It is critical that seawater is not exchanged between tanks

Experiment tanks

Scope for Growth build

  • P = [C - (R + U)]
    • R respiration rate: measured with SDR dish at the hatchery; freeze all animals in -20C for AFDW as loss of ignition in Putnam Lab
    • U ammonia excretion: freeze water samples from respiration rate measurements (~3-4 ml individual-1) for later analysis
    • C ingestion rate and absportion efficiency:
  • For ingestion rate & absortion efficency, it is critical that sw+seston is homogenous for Nexcelom Cellometer readings pre and post incubation. The animal(s) will also need to be suspended on a platform to avoid disturbance from the magnetic stir bar below. Ingestion rate chamber