TagSeq QC troubleshooting
The problem…
‘clean’ TagSeq reads (trimmed of adpters) fail ‘Percent GC Content’ in the multi QC report (image below)
Filtering attempts…
I used the following fastp calls to remove the low GC reads
= enable polyX trimming in 3’ ends
This was my initial gut reaction given that TagSeq targets mRNA polyA tails for short reads. All attempts with this call (i.e. called both 6 and 10 bps) were unsuccessfull!
--f, --trim_front1
This was also unsuccessful…
What to do next??
Think about the GC plot attached above. This plots does not imply the position of the read, thus --f
and --trim_poly_x
can be irrelevant. A great next step is to (1) identify clean.gz files that did not pass (2) view the sequences using zcat
(3) modify fastp accordingly and rerun, check the same clean.gz file for the outcome of this adjustment
(1) identify a clean.gz name that did not pass
Screenshot from the multiqc report, I chose to follow the file ‘clean.SG103_S164_L002_R1_001.JPG’
##### (2) Run zcat
zcat clean.SG103_S164_L002_R1_001.JPG | head -200
Here is the output in nano. Underlined in yellow are instances of polyA within the sequence! Note just localized at the 3’ end! Circled in blue and green are sequences before and after these off reads.
Ideas: This may be the result of sequencing error. Also note that the quality scores are mostly ‘F’ - I included a phred score filter, but this still seems odd
How to ommit these sequences??
It appears that the affected sequences suffer from low complexity. fastp
defaults a complexity of 20% defined as the percentage of base calls that are different from the next base. I think an increase in this threshold should clear our low GC dilemma!
(3) Adjust fastp call with --low_complexity_filter
and --complexity_threshold
and rerun
--y, --low_complexity_filter
= run to ajdust the complexity filter (default as 20) -
--Y, --complexity_threshold
call the threshold for the complexity filtering
the new fastp (with adapter trim and phred score trim) included --y --Y 50
for a threshold of complexity of 50%
Run ```zcat`` of the output ‘clean.SG103_S164_L002_R1_001’ files
zcat clean.SG103_S164_L002_R1_001.JPG | head -200
We see here that the two sequences previous in yellow (above) are gone!!! Woop! Now take a break from the screen and wait for them multiQC.html report!
New multiqc.html report(s)
Did not change??
- need to explore further….
This time I used the following..
== 6-
--y, --low_complexity_filter
--Y, --complexity_threshold
== 50
#SBATCH -t 120:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=20
#SBATCH --mem=100GB
#SBATCH --account=putnamlab
#SBATCH --export=NONE
#SBATCH --mail-user=samuel_gurr@uri.edu
#SBATCH --output="%x_out.%j"
#SBATCH --error="%x_err.%j"
#SBATCH -D /data/putnamlab/sgurr/Geoduck_TagSeq/output/fastp_multiQC
# load modules needed
module load fastp/0.19.7-foss-2018b
module load FastQC/0.11.8-Java-1.8
module load MultiQC/1.7-foss-2018b-Python-2.7.15
# symbolically link 'clean' reads to hisat2 dir
ln -s ../../../../KITT/hputnam/20201217_Geoduck_TagSeq/*.fastq.gz ./
# Make an array of sequences to trim
array1=($(ls *.fastq.gz))
# fastp loop; trim the Read 1 TruSeq adapter sequence; trim poly x default 10 (to trim polyA)
for i in ${array1[@]}; do
fastp --in1 ${i} --out1 clean.${i} --adapter_sequence=AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA --trim_poly_x 6 -q 30 -y -Y 50
fastqc clean.${i}
echo "Read trimming of adapters complete." $(date)
# Quality Assessment of Trimmed Reads
multiqc ./ #Compile MultiQC report from FastQC files
echo "Cleaned MultiQC report generated." $(date)
Now lets see the multiQC report…
- looks much better!