Argopecten Qubit 202200309

Objective and summary:

  • RNA extractions of juvenile A. irradians from OA challenge

  • scallops extracted today were fixed in RNAlater alongside a physiological suite on 2/28/22

Qubit Results

Sample DNA (ng/uL)  
  RUN 1 RUN 2
Standard 60.74 62.85
Standard 1385.76 1384.88
Low C 1 81.0 83.0
Low D 1 3.40 3.43
Low E 1 128.0 * 130.0 *
Low F 1 65.4 * 65 *
High B 1 64.6 * 64.6 *
High C 1 69.8 * 69.0 *
High D 1 95.0 * 95.0 *
High E 1 120 * 118.0 *
High F 1 134.0 138.0 *

‘Low’ represents the low pCO2 treatment (higher pH) ‘High’ represents the high pCO2 treatment (low pH)

asterisk (*) represents samples that initially read as ‘too high’ in concentration. Each was diluted 2:1 with ultra pure water and the actual value of the sample is given above (raw value from Qubit x 2)