Objective and summary:
DNA extractions of juvenile A. irradians from October 25th 2021; objective is to use these extractions for lcWGS sequencing for GWAS, SNP calling, etc. alonside the parentage of F0s extracted for the same seq
an online checklist can be found [here]{https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RHM3u-njPWcJWpEaOIGDrHUU3swhVPZvZRTKvVuSV1Q/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=108372819286763574086}
Qubit Results (dsDNA BR assay kit)
- NOTE: has several issues running the standards for the dsDNA BR assay kit (was a little rusty I guess) I opened a fresh 500 assay kit to diagnose this error and concluded that the reagent (or dye) must be thawed nearly completely and perhaps vortexed/spun down to receive a workable sample w/o error downstream - in summary the ‘old’ kit opened in January 2021 should still work fine
Sample | DNA (ng/uL) | |
RUN 1 | RUN 2 | |
Standard | 43.21 | |
Standard | 3137.81 | |
1 | 164 | |
2 | 227 | |
51 | 116 | |
52 | 276 | |
101 | 152 | |
102 | 223 | |
151 | 244 | |
152 | 127 | |
201 | 103 | |
202 | 298 | |
251 | 228 | |
252 | 299 |