F1 Argopecten Gel 20220606

Objective and summary:

Gel Electrophoresis

Gel map is as follows:

  • raw’ refers to the samples run as direct aliquots of the DNA extraction using (attachd protocol here)

  • I’ refers to the Illumina DNA Prep protocol as suggested by manufacturers using all Illumina materials with 500 ng DNA samples (SOP here)[https://github.com/SamGurr/SamJGurr_Lab_Notebook/blob/master/_posts/2022-06-03-Illumina-DNA-Prep-SOP]

  • I+N’ refers to the Illumina DNA Prep protocol for tagmentation only alongside amplification and cleanup using KAPA HiFi ReadyStart Mix and Ampure Beads w/tris resuspension as recommended by Nina’s modified Baym protocol (SOP here)[https://github.com/SamGurr/SamJGurr_Lab_Notebook/blob/master/_posts/2022-06-03-Illumina-DNA-Prep-with-KAPA-and-Ampure-SOP]

    • note this modified Baym prtocol calls for samples between 1-10ng (ideally 2.5) whereas I ran these as 500 ng to directly compare to the full Illumina - we will see if using the same reagent volumes (i.e. KAPA and Ampure beads) presents any red flags
well 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
samp L L raw 1 raw 2 1 I 2 I 1 I+N 2 I+N

Gel image


  • we see strong high molecular weight bands for the raw and no bands for the post-library prep samples

  • I read (here[https://support.illumina.com/bulletins/2016/05/library-quantification-and-quality-control-quick-reference-guide.html] that the proper quality check for libraries from Illumina DNA Prep (& previous Nextera reagnets) is Quantification via Qubit and Quality control with a BioAnalyzer

Qubit quanitification

  • followed-up up with Qubit and yielded ‘Too Low’ - no DNA present

What happened / what can I change?

Note: Since library prep was run two different ways, it appears that the culprit lies in what was common between both SOPs (at least this is a good first step..) Common between both SOPs is the tagmentation and post-tagmentation clean-up and the use of the thermocycler.

  • Tagment wash buffer

    • What happened? – A tip on the Illumina site emphasises that the Tagment Wash Buffer must be pipetted directly onto the beads where I simply added the wash buffer to fill during the wash steps.

    • What can I change? – Adding directly should disperse the beads from the magnet breifly, whether this will do the trick? Time will tell!

  • PCR and thermocycler step(s)

    • What happened? – After reading through the protocol, all steps were completed correctly (or my best try in doing so). The only hiccup was in loading the thermocycler with the PCR plate - I noticed the plastic plate was quite warm after each step in the thermocycler, this was a mistake.

    • What can I change? – Next library prep attempt, load pcr tubes/96 well plate directly on the wells in the thermocycler to allow proper annealing temp and cooling for PCR amplification. These tubes/wells have thin walls created jsut for this purpose - improper loading of your sample to the thermocycler (i.e. within a loading plate) does not allow the tube/sample to be properly inserted in the thermocycler leading to error in temperature change